Our Save Jackson Coalition Partners
The Pomo Land Back Mission is to Connect, Correct and Protect California’s largest state forest, currently named the Jackson Demonstration State Forest. JDSF is located in our Pomo Homeland in Mendocino County, California.
CONNECTING Community with Mother Earth through Song, Dance and Traditional Resource Management.
CORRECTING the Jackson Demonstration State Forest Management Plan to a co-management plan facilitated by the Coyote Valley Band of Pomo Indians and the California State Parks. This co-management plan will be focused on protecting Sacred Sites and Cultural Resources, addressing climate change through carbon sequestration, restoring the largest state forest damaged by commercial logging and road building, recovering protected species, and creating fire resiliency.
PROTECTING Jackson Demonstration State Forest (Pomo Homeland) by organizing Tribal Communities, Local Communities and Political support to demand that Secretary Wade Crowfoot of the California Natural Resources Agency grants an immediate Moratorium on all logging, road building and herbicide spraying in JDSF.
The Mendocino County Youth for Climate
The Mendocino County Youth for Climate is a student led environmental education space, where young people can learn together, create empowering connections, and take concrete climate action. The MCYC is an official program of Overstand a non-profit protecting forests through modern activism.
The Environmental Protection Information Center
The Environmental Protection Information Center (EPIC) advocates for the protection and restoration of Northwest California’s ecosystems, using an integrated, science-based approach, combining public education, citizen advocacy, and strategic litigation.
Our mission: To protect and enhance the forests and wildlife habitat of California through educational, legislative, and electoral activities.
Bay Area Coalition for Headwaters
The mission of the Bay Area Coalition for Headwaters (BACH) is to educate and build support in the Bay Area and other urban areas for the preservation of a biologically viable redwood forest. BACH connects local environmentalists with forest activists to preserve the old growth redwood ecosystems, with real solutions for forest workers and communities.
Jughandle Creek Nature Center
Our Mission: To educate all age levels on the stewardship and sustainable use of coastal resources while providing affordable accommodations for nature lovers visiting our unique coastal area.