Dec. 13, 5-7 PM: JDSF Management Plan Public Meeting #8: Restoration Economy (Fort Bragg)
CalFire is hosting a series of public meetings on the new management plan. This meeting is titled “Topic: Restoration Economy”
The meeting is Friday, Dec. 13, 5-7 PM at Fort Bragg Veterans Hall.

Dec. 12, 6-8 PM: JDSF Management Plan Public Meeting #7: Restoration Economy (Ukiah)
CalFire is hosting a series of public meetings on the new management plan. This meeting is titled “Topic: Restoration Economy”
The meeting is Thursday, Dec. 12, 6-8 PM at Ukiah Senior Center .
RESCHEDULED: Dec. 16, 5-7 PM: JDSF Management Plan Public Meeting #6: Restoration Ecology (Fort Bragg)
CalFire is hosting a series of public meetings on the new management plan. This meeting is titled “Topic: Restoration Ecology”
The meeting has been rescheduled to Monday, Dec. 16, 5-7 PM at Fort Bragg Town Hall.

Nov. 18, 6-8 PM: JDSF Management Plan Public Meeting #5: Restoration Ecology (Ukiah)
CalFire is hosting a series of public meetings on the new management plan. This meeting is titled “Topic: Restoration Ecology”
The meeting is Monday, Nov. 18, 6-8 PM at Ukiah Saturday Afternoon Clubhouse.

Oct. 30, 6-8 PM: JDSF Management Plan Public Meeting #4: Co-Management (Ukiah)
CalFire is hosting a series of public meetings on the new management plan. This meeting is titled “Topic: Co-Management”
The meeting is Wednesday, Oct. 30, 5-7 PM at the Ukiah Senior Center.

Oct. 29, 5-7 PM: JDSF Management Plan Public Meeting #3: Co-Management (Fort Bragg)
CalFire is hosting a series of public meetings on the new management plan. This meeting is titled “Topic: Co-Management”
The meeting is Tuesday, Oct. 29, 5-7 PM at Fort Bragg Town Hall.

Oct. 22, 5-7 PM: JDSF History, the Management Plan Process and How to Get Involved (Ukiah)
CalFire is hosting a series of public meetings on the new management plan. This meeting is titled “JDSF History, the Management Plan Process and How to Get Involved.”
The meeting is Tuesday, Oct., 22, 5-7 PM in Ukiah at the Saturday Afternoon Clubhouse.

Oct. 21, 5-7 PM: JDSF History, the Management Plan Process and How to Get Involved (Fort Bragg)
CalFire is hosting a series of public meetings on the new management plan. The 10/21/24 meeting is titled “JDSF History, the Management Plan Process and How to Get Involved.”
The meeting is Monday, Oct. 21, 5-7 PM at Fort Bragg Town Hall

May 20th at 4PM PDT: The Sierra Club Presents, Forest Protection Forum
JDSF is a nearly 50,000 acre expanse of Public land situated within the coast redwood bioregion. Since being purchased by California from Caspar Lumber Company in 1947, JDSF has been, and still is, managed by the state primarily for timber production. This talk will focus on the history of the state's management and the legacy that has left. We will use two independent LiDAR datasets to contextualize present forest conditions within the broader north coast redwood ecosystem and quantitative inventory/harvest data to understand how the forest came to look how it does today. Finally, we will take stock of the current state of climate change to understand how forest resources have and may continue to be impacted for JDSF specifically and the redwood bioregion as a whole.

March 2nd, 2024: GHOST FORESTS: History and Future of the Redwoods
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GHOST FORESTS: History and Future of the Redwoods
A conversation with Greg King, author of The Ghost Forest and John (JP) O’Brien, Climate Scientist.

December 2nd: At the Brink: Vanished(ing) Trees & Climate Change
Anyone concerned about forest degradation and climate change will not want to miss a special free event on December 2, from 1 to 3 p.m. at Mendocino’s Stanford Inn.

Join as at this year’s CasparFest, a fundraiser for the Caspar Community Center on July 8th. The Mendocino Trail Stewards will have a booth selling copies of our book, This Gem of a Forest, and plenty of hats, shirts, etc. Please drop by to say “hi” and find out the latest in our effort to change the management priorities of Jackson Demonstration State Forest towards restoration and away from commercial logging.