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URGENT NEWS: CalFire is determined to start logging again in Caspar 500.
Please SEND AN EMAIL!!! Let Cal Fire know that you demand:
Protection for Sacred Sites
Equal Tribal Co-Management Now
No Logging in Caspar 500
Please send your emails to:
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Logging second-growth redwood forests is in no way a ‘nature-based solution.’ A minimum of 80% of forest carbon is lost in the harvest and requires upwards of one hundred years to be recovered.
Flood Newsom and Crowfoot With Mail:
Secretary of Natural Resources Wade Crowfoot
We have to let the Governor and the Secretary of Natural Resources know that their actions are completely unacceptable and in direct contradiction to their stated goals of 30x30 and using Nature-Based Solutions to mitigate the climate crisis. Write them in your own words, but with these suggested main points:
Water must be spared for essential needs, not to build and keep the dust down on logging roads.
With the stroke of a pen, the 78 square miles of Jackson can be saved to become part of the 30x30 solution.
Barring that, an immediate moratorium on logging in JDSF must be declared until a new EIR can be drafted and approved.
A comprehensive review of the Forest Practices Act and the California Environmental Quality Act must be undertaken in order to bring them up to date.
Both emails and snail mails are helpful. We would like to also target Cal Fire Chief Thom Porter, but his email address is not public. Call or send letters to Cal Fire’s headquarters in Sacramento:
1416 9th Street, PO Box 944246, Sacramento, CA 94244-2460; 916-653-5123
If you would like to send something more authoritative:
Jackson State Forest. Jackson is California's largest state forest totaling nearly 50,000 acres and contains one of the largest concentrations of second growth redwoods in California, which are now even more threatened than old growth Redwoods. They have no legal or environmental protections. Presently, only 2% of the second growth redwoods still stand compared to 5% of the original old growth trees (Burns et. al. 2018). Second growth forests provide critical habitat for threatened and endangered species and constitute the greatest carbon sequestration potential of any forest type on earth (Sillett et al 2020). In particular, these forests show great promise for natural restoration and rejuvenation through natural processes (Russell et al 2014).
Governor Newsom's Executive Order toward achieving 30x30 is a step in the right direction. 30x30 provides a unique opportunity for protecting currently threatened lands through scientifically backed political directives. Under the 30x30 vision laid out in the Global Deal for Nature (Dinnerstein et al 2018), lands are classified according to their GAP status code, which indicates their current protection status, with one/four representing the highest/lowest levels of protection. Jackson State Forest is listed as GAP3 lands, the second lowest protection level (Rosa, 2020). GAP3 lands are recognized as having, "particular potential to advance biodiversity and climate protections more quickly through administrative mechanisms'' (Rosa et al 2020).
That all said, Jackson State Forest can be described as:
one of the most critically threatened ecosystems in the state;
possessing among the highest carbon sequestration potential in the state;
possessing among the lowest current protections in the state;
the largest contiguous tract of state-owned land.
As such Jackson State Forest is among the "lowest hanging fruit" in California toward achieving 30x30, while at the same time protecting exceedingly rare habitat and enhancing the carbon sequestration capability of the state. Protecting Jackson in perpetuity as part of achieving 30x30 would be a tremendous leap forward toward environmental and climate protection, while still ensuring recreation and public enjoyment of our natural landscapes. This could be achieved through relatively straightforward legislative and/or executive orders as the land is completely within the hegemony of the state.
Please consider adding Jackson State Forest to your 30x30 initiative list to draw attention to this critically important landscape and administratively tractable path for rapid environmental and climate protection toward achieving 30x30 in California.
Thank you for your consideration.
[1] Burns et al 2018 [Link]
[2] Sillett et al 2020 [Link]
[3] Russell et al 2014 [Link]
[4] Dinnerstein et al 2018 [Link]
[5] Rosa, 2020 [Link]
[6] Rosa et al 2020 [Link]
Volunteers gather at one of many piles of pampas grass on April 9th at the invasive plant removal work day with State Parks
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No one has ever successfully painted or photographed a redwood tree. The feeling they produce is not transferable. From them comes silence and awe.—John Steinbeck
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This word cloud was created from the over 5,000 comments we have received to date on our petitions to create a redwood forest reserve. The larger the word, the more often it occurred. This cloud will grow and change as more comments are added.