December 2nd: At the Brink: Vanished(ing) Trees & Climate Change
Anyone concerned about forest degradation and climate change will not want to miss a special free event on December 2, from 1 to 3 p.m. at Mendocino’s Stanford Inn.
Author Greg King, who helped initiate the “redwood wars” after Maxxam’s notorious 1985 takeover of the Pacific Lumber Company in Humboldt County, will discuss his just published 2023 book, The Ghost Forest: Racists, Radicals, and Real Estate in the California Redwoods. Rich with historical information and references, The Ghost Forest explores the decimation of the coastal redwood forest and the players involved, from the the nineteenth century to today, and provides the first critical examination of the history of the Save the Redwoods League. King describes how corporate shenanigans and over-harvesting have left the North Coast with almost no old-growth redwood forests— shenanigans secretly undergirded by Save the Redwoods League. The Ghost Forest also describes the historical citizen-driven efforts that helped slow the decimation of redwood treasures. Signed copies of The Ghost Forest will be available for purchase.
King will present with John O’Brien, Ph.D, a climate scientist and research affiliate in the Climate and Ecosystem Sciences Division at Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory, who was also a postdoctoral research fellow in the Climate Analysis Section at the National Center for Atmospheric Research. O’Brien will provide an up-to-date accounting of current climate change and how our ecosystems are responding to such change. He will also present a quantitative overview of forest resources and management in the redwood region, with an emphasis on Jackson State Demonstration Forest.
This event is co-hosted by Mendocino Coast Environmental Scholarship Program, the Gallery Bookshop & Bookwinkle’s Children’s Books, and the Mendocino Eco Education & Events non-profit. Seating will be limited and reservations are required. Special vegan finger food by Stanford chefs, accompanied by a no-host wine/beer bar. Donations will be accepted to offset event costs.
To reserve a seat, email Questions? Contact Rod Jones at 937-0549 or
At the Brink: Vanished(ing) Trees & Climate Change
December 2, 2023
1:00 p.m. to 3 p.m.
at Mendocino’s Stanford Inn.